Innovation Ecosystems

A Revolution is Brewing

A Revolution is Brewing

By Henry Doss. There is today an emerging distinction between “leadership” and “innovation leadership,” a new vision of what it takes to become an innovative leader and a leader of innovation. This new model of thinking requires a new way of preparing leaders, and a new way of thinking about leadership. The rules are changing and it might not be stretching the point to say there is actually a leadership revolution brewing.

Why Big Business Fails at Innovation

Why Big Business Fails at Innovation

By Henry Doss. Big businesses don't seem to be very innovative. An informal glance around the big business landscape won't reveal much in the way of innovation beyond perhaps the routine adoption of a new technology, a bit of chasing the most current business model paradigm or acronym, or maybe rejiggering organizational charts here and there. But, innovation?  Not so much. It doesn't have to be that way. 

How Innovation Became A Whim

How Innovation Became A Whim

By Henry Doss. If innovation is the topic, culture should be your first concern. If innovative practices, innovative execution, innovative output and innovation as a means to long-term excellence are a desired outcome, your attention should go first to culture. If innovation is a "strategic imperative" or some such other phrase or vision or story line, then culture change should be the path you pursue. Start anywhere else and shy away from culture, and at best you will likely achieve only incremental tactical and structural improvements.